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BEMER research has made ground-breaking findings on the biorhythm of local and higher level regulatory processes affecting micro circulation. BEMER Vascular Therapy is a multi-dimensional signal structure that effectively stimulates restricted or impaired micro circulation. It supports one of the body’s most important control mechanisms for healing, recovery and regeneration processes and can also be effectively used for:

  • Improving the supply to organs and tissues
  • Supporting the healing of wounds and sports injuries
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Increasing physical and mental performance
  • Shortening recovery times in sports training

BEMER Therapy can improve restricted blood flow in the smallest blood vessels and thereby support the body’s own self-healing and regeneration processes. Circulation is the human body’s supply system. 74% of it is located in the area of the smallest blood vessels (micro circulation), that is, in the area in which blood cells provide tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen and on their way back take along waste products for disposal. It is only with the help of these supply and disposal processes that the body’s cells can perform their various life-sustaining tasks and provide the body with energy.

Stress, too little sleep, an unbalanced diet, unhealthy living habits, disease, and of course aging slow down the pumping action of the smallest blood vessels. This affects the vast majority of people. As a result, blood cells move much too slowly and can no longer adequately fulfill their tasks. Deficient supply to tissues and organs over the long term leads to a decline in physical and mental fitness, pain, disorders and disease.

BEMER vascular therapy can counteract that process in a naturally limiting framework. Using electromagnetically transmitted signals, it stimulates the pumping movement of the smallest blood vessels, normalizing the blood flow in this area. The body’s cells are increasingly better supplied and start carrying out their many tasks such as: fighting disease and pain, healing wounds, providing energy for physical and mental performance and even establishing a general sense of well-being.

BEMER can also provide valuable support for amateur and professional athletes. Needs based blood flow in the smallest blood vessels enables shorter warmup and cool down times as well as faster regeneration and thus more effective workouts. In the ideal case, micro-injuries can also be repaired immediately, allowing more serious secondary injuries to possibly be prevented in advance.

The BEMER signal sets a new standard in the industry with its complex, carefully tuned configuration and timing. Nearly two decades of research and development have resulted in very specific and highly effective.

Click here to learn more about PEMF therapy at PubMed.gov

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