What is Bemer Therapy?
What is Bemer? The BEMER system was introduced to the United States in 2006 and has become one of the fastest growing new therapeutic techniques in clinics and health care centers across the country.
Numerous studies published on PubMed, the government’s website for peer-reviewed medical studies, have shown that using the BEMER just 8 minutes twice a day, can increase blood flow by almost 30%. This increase restores your body to youthful functionality. It also increases your energy level and can allow your cells to heal faster.

As the only FDA-registered PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) medical device, the BEMER has proven effective because it improves the natural functionality of your body.
The BEMER PEMF mat activates the body’s own power of self-healing by promoting micro circulation.
Bemer therapy has many benefits. Bemer therapy is applied by using electromagnetic coils and applying the generated pulsed magnetic fields to the body. PEMF heals tissues, bones, joints faster by up to 400% per NASA research. It’s been proven to be safe for long-term use and help depression. The pulsed magnetic fields used in Bemer PEMF therapy are non-ionizing. They closely resemble the Schumann resonance spectrum of the Earth itself.
Read more… from The Federal Association for Health Information and Consumer Protection, Germany on Vascular Therapy.
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