What is PEMF mat Therapy?

What is PEMF Therapy? PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field and records date back to 2000 B.C. Magnetic stones were used and described in a book called, “The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine”.
Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange within cells. Natural electromagnetic energy controls our chemistry. As this energy becomes interrupted (by a bruise or traumatic injury, a tough workout, bad diet, or from getting older), our cells weaken. When your cells are healthy, your body is running efficiently, in part or in whole.
PEMF mat therapy uses bursts of low-level electromagnetic radiation to heal damaged tissues and bone, to relieve injury-related pain, and even to stimulate organs.
The idea is that pulses at low frequencies will pass through the skin and penetrate deep into muscle, bones, tendons, and even organs to activate the cell’s energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.
PEMF therapy is catching on as a non-invasive way to approach injuries, chronic pain, and even chronic conditions like depression and diabetes.
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field therapy is not intended to treat a specific condition, however it is an optimizer for the body’s natural functions of self-healing and self-regulation. When your body runs efficiently it can maintain optimum health as well as heal a range of conditions. Over 2,000 medical studies evaluate the effect of PEMF on the body. Studies ranging from Arthritis, Cell Regeneration, Circulation, Skin Wound healing, and pain.
It has been stated: “One of the biggest barriers to a person’s healing is good cellular health! You are only as healthy as your cells.”
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What is PEMF Therapy?