What is Vita-Life? The VITA‐LIFE R‐System is a device for magnetic resonance stimulation and is thus capable of pushing your well being and vitality.

The R-System generates a pulsating electromagnetic field of low frequency. The intensity is kept low on intention and thus similar to the intensity of earths natural magnetic field. Your body will be spurred or calmed down – based on your body’s current demand. The applied magnetic fields can improve your cell metabolism and therefore contribute to your vitality and well being.
About Vita-Life
An idea, a 15 square meter office space and two enthusiastic people: That’s the way it started, back then in 1995, when Ingrid Günther and partners founded VITA-LIFE. The keynote: Making magnetic field therapy available to private persons for the purpose of preventive health care.
The company relocated from Hollenstein in Lower Austria to beautiful Velden in Carinthia. That’s where they found a new home, that’s where they grew bigger. In this same year of 1997 they had our first great successes in Poland, where we sold 200 magnet resonance stimulation systems per month. Italy, Slovenia, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark should follow.
VITA-LIFE launched the vSystem – a milestone in their history: Ultra-modern technology meets progressive design while magnetic resonance stimulation meets colors, lights and sounds. For the vSystem they received the “Five Star Diamond Award” of the American Academy of Hospitality, more than once.
Moved into their new European headquarters in Lind close to Velden.
They expanded their product portfolio by two other products: the water activator AcquaPhi provides the cells with healthy and structured water and VITA-LIFE Spin protects our cells from electric smog, which surrounds us nearly all the time. These new priorities – providing the cells with high-quality water and protecting the cells from exterior influences – complete our primary focus on the stimulation of the cell metabolism by magnetic field therapy. What all of them have in common is one aim: a healthy and vital life.
*above referenced from public records, Vita-Life company information
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What is Vita-life?